c - 没有 typedef 关键字的结构

标签 c data-structures struct

我目前正在学习 C 中的 struct 数据结构,以及如何使用 typedef 关键字作为此结构的前缀。这导致实际结构的变量名被放置在不同的命名空间中,如几个不同的引用文献中所述:

Difference between 'struct' and 'typedef struct' in C++?

typedef struct vs struct definitions


#include <stdio.h>

struct demo
    short low_pass_vcf;
    short filter_coupler;
    short reverb;
    short sequential;
} synth;

int main() 
    printf("Size of struct: %i\n", sizeof(struct demo));
    printf("Size of struct: %i\n", sizeof(synth));
    return 0;

在这个例子中,我可以通过synth 变量名访问struct 数据结构;但是,在我看到的示例中,为了能够执行此操作,struct 需要以 typedef 开头。在此示例中,未使用 typedef,但我仍然可以通过 synth 引用此结构。我想知道 C 允许我这样做到底发生了什么?任何解释将不胜感激。干杯。


struct demo
    short low_pass_vcf;
    short filter_coupler;
    short reverb;
    short sequential;
} synth;


// declare struct demo
struct demo
    short low_pass_vcf;
    short filter_coupler;
    short reverb;
    short sequential;

// define struct variable synth
struct demo synth;


synth.sequential = 1;

sizeof(struct demo) 返回 struct demo 的大小。

sizeof(synth) 返回具体实例 synth 的大小。



使用 typedef 它可能看起来像这样:

// declare new type demo
typedef struct demo
    short low_pass_vcf;
    short filter_coupler;
    short reverb;
    short sequential;
} demo_t;

// define demo_t variable synth
demo_t synth;

更新 2:

来自Linux kernel coding style :

Chapter 5: Typedefs

Please don't use things like "vps_t". It's a mistake to use typedef for structures and pointers. When you see a

vps_t a;

in the source, what does it mean? In contrast, if it says

struct virtual_container *a;

you can actually tell what "a" is.

关于c - 没有 typedef 关键字的结构,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/32656226/


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