php - 何时关闭 Prepared Statement

标签 php prepared-statement

什么时候关闭 PHP 中的准备语句?


    $query = "insert into web_reviews (title,added_date,reviewer_home_url,read_more_link,summary) values(?,?,?,?,?)";
    $stmt = $this->db->prepare($query);
    $stmt->execute() or die("Cannot add the date to the database, please try again.");

    $stmt = $this->db->prepare("select id from web_reviews where title = ? and read_more = ?");

我应该在这里使用 $stmt->close(); 吗?


PHP 手册上的内容以及手册中的一条评论说:

Closes a prepared statement. mysqli_stmt_close() also deallocates the statement handle. If the current statement has pending or unread results, this function cancels them so that the next query can be executed.


if you are repeating an statement in an loop using bind_param and so on inside it for a larger operation. i thougt id would be good to clean it with stmt->close. but it broke always with an error after aprox. 250 operations . As i tried it with stmt->reset it worked for me.


这是 close 的一个很好的用法,尤其是当您计划进行另一个查询时。对于 PDO 语句和 MySQLi 语句,我发现在清洁方面犯错几乎总是最好的——它消除了潜在的错误。

至于有 250 次操作的先生们……我看不出真正的用例是什么。为什么他需要查询数据库 250 次不同的时间?为什么他不能用250条记录查询一次数据库?或者,更可能的是,他为什么不能用 10 条记录查询数据库 25 次?

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