c - 出现在数组下标中的 "volatile"关键字的目的是什么?

标签 c arrays volatile function-parameter


void f(double x[volatile], const double y[volatile]);

那么,volatile 关键字出现在数组下标中的目的是什么?它有什么作用?



这里,double x[volatile] 等同于double * volatile x


In a function declaration, the keyword volatile may appear inside the square brackets that are used to declare an array type of a function parameter. It qualifies the pointer type to which the array type is transformed. The following two declarations declare the same function:

void f(double x[volatile], const double y[volatile]);

void f(double * volatile x, const double * volatile y);

此语法仅在 C 语言的函数参数中有效。

关于c - 出现在数组下标中的 "volatile"关键字的目的是什么?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/47377106/


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