C Pthreads 互斥值?

标签 c pthreads mutex

我正在编写一个包含几个关键部分的程序。问题是我需要在 if 语句中检查互斥锁的值。


if pthread_mutex(&mutex) == 0 // locked 
  // Do something
else if pthread_mutex(&mutex) == 1 // unlocked 
 // Do something else



你想要pthread_mutex_trylock() .


The pthread_mutex_trylock() function shall be equivalent to pthread_mutex_lock(), except that if the mutex object referenced by mutex is currently locked (by any thread, including the current thread), the call shall return immediately. ... Return values ... The pthread_mutex_trylock() function shall return zero if a lock on the mutex object referenced by mutex is acquired. Otherwise, an error number is returned to indicate the error


pthread_mutex_t *m = /* ... */;

if (pthread_mutex_trylock(m) == 0)
    /* Success!  This thread now owns the lock. */
    /* Fail!  This thread doesn't own the lock.  Do something else... */

关于C Pthreads 互斥值?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3939806/


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