php - 在它填充的多边形改变尺寸后计算新的渐变位置

标签 php javascript math vector svg


此问题的更新:2012 年 7 月 10 日 - “gradientTransform 不完全” 受 Duopixel 启发 2012 年 7 月 11 日-“示例中的 SVG 代码”2012 年 7 月 16 日-“@dignifiedquire 解决这个问题”

我正在尝试创建一个让用户动态调整多边形大小的工具。大多数多边形都用渐变填充fill="url(#top_surface_1_gradient)"。我这样做的方法是一个简单的 JavaScript 脚本:

  1. 在某个多边形上查找 mousemove 和 click 事件
  2. 测量移动量
  3. 改变多边形一半的坐标(为了有拉伸(stretch)的效果)使用这个算法定义新坐标:x = x_movement, y = x_movement * Math.tan ( 31 * (Math.PI/180) )
  4. 用单一颜色填充的多边形是可以的
  5. 用渐变填充的多边形不是,让我演示一下:





这就是问题发生的地方。因为我不知道应该如何更改渐变的 x1, y1x2, y2 坐标,所以它只是保持在原来的位置,而多边形已经拉伸(stretch)。结果是一个无法维持深度错觉的形状。


我正在寻找的最终结果。请记住,渐变可能从一开始就具有完全随机的 Angular 。在我正在寻找的最终结果中,渐变的 x1, y1x2, y2 坐标都已更改。 应该使用什么算法来计算这些位置?我正在寻找一种完全看不到渐变 Angular 解决方案

以下是用于生成这些示例的所有适当坐标的 SVG:

使用 SVG 代码


<!-- Step 1 -->
<linearGradient id="top_surface_1_gradient" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse" x1="165.3425" y1="39.7002" x2="-49.991" y2="43.0337">
    <stop  offset="0" style="stop-color:#FFFFFF"/>
    <stop  offset="0.6687" style="stop-color:#CCCCCC"/>
    <stop  offset="1" style="stop-color:#FFFFFF"/>
<polygon id="top_surface_1" fill="url(#top_surface_1_gradient)" points="137.145,41.204 68.572,0 0,41.204 68.572,82.396"/>

第 2 步

<!-- Step 2 --> 
<linearGradient id="top_surface_2_gradient" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse" x1="250.0491" y1="233.8115" x2="23.7637" y2="237.3146">
    <stop  offset="0" style="stop-color:#FFFFFF"/>
    <stop  offset="0.6687" style="stop-color:#CCCCCC"/>
    <stop  offset="1" style="stop-color:#FFFFFF"/>
<polygon id="top_surface_2" fill="url(#top_surface_2_gradient)" points="205.788,215.557 137.215,174.354 0.078,256.629 68.649,297.823"/>

第 3 步

<!-- Step 3 --> 
<linearGradient id="top_surface_3_gradient" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse" x1="248.4543" y1="454.5225" x2="-75.535" y2="459.5381">
    <stop  offset="0" style="stop-color:#FFFFFF"/>
    <stop  offset="0.6687" style="stop-color:#CCCCCC"/>
    <stop  offset="1" style="stop-color:#FFFFFF"/>
<polygon id="top_surface_3" fill="url(#top_surface_3_gradient)" points="205.788,415.557 137.215,374.354 0.078,456.629 68.649,497.823"/>


更新:gradientTransform 不完全

使用 gradientTransform 属性并且没有 x1,y1;对于渐变的 x2,y2 坐标,我们实现了以几乎按需的方式填充多边形的结果(此解决方案可在此处找到:。解决方案中断的唯一地方是当多边形填充有从多边形外部开始和/或在外部/内部某处结束的渐变时。让我举例说明:

这就是 Duopixel 建议的解决方案所实现的目标。 step_4

这是使用上述解决方案无法实现的用例。我更改了颜色以明显放大 Angular 和渐变停止。 step_5

示例中的 SVG 代码


    <linearGradient id="surface_center_inside_bottom_1_" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse" x1="167.7629" y1="634.5986" x2="-72.9039" y2="599.2647">
        <stop  offset="0" style="stop-color:#FFFFFF"/>
        <stop  offset="0.8528" style="stop-color:#CCCCCC"/>
        <stop  offset="0.9954" style="stop-color:#CCCCCC"/>
    <polygon id="surface_center_inside_bottom_9_" fill="url(#surface_center_inside_bottom_1_)" points="137.145,620.04 68.572,578.837 0,620.04 68.572,661.233"/>

    <linearGradient id="surface_right_inside_side_1_" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse" x1="178.8889" y1="600.1787" x2="33.103" y2="517.9229">
        <stop  offset="0" style="stop-color:#FFFFFF"/>
        <stop  offset="0.9816" style="stop-color:#A3A5A8"/>
    <polygon id="surface_right_inside_side_3_" fill="url(#surface_right_inside_side_1_)" points="136.526,620.374 68.359,578.501 68.572,493.837 137.358,535.37"/>

    <linearGradient id="surface_right_inside_side_2_" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse" x1="126.2664" y1="563.249" x2="-28.4" y2="621.916">
        <stop  offset="0" style="stop-color:#FF0000"/>
        <stop  offset="0.6698" style="stop-color:#00FFFF"/>
        <stop  offset="1" style="stop-color:#FF0000"/>
    <polygon id="surface_right_inside_side_5_" fill="url(#surface_right_inside_side_2_)" points="68.573,661.239 0,620.036 0,535.036 68.573,576.231"/>

    <linearGradient id="surface_center_outside_top_1_" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse" x1="167.3728" y1="533.5059" x2="-47.9608" y2="536.8394">
        <stop  offset="0.0016" style="stop-color:#FF0000"/>
        <stop  offset="0.6735" style="stop-color:#00FFFF"/>
        <stop  offset="1" style="stop-color:#FF0000"/>
    <polygon id="surface_center_outside_top_3_" fill="url(#surface_center_outside_top_1_)" points="137.145,535.041 68.572,493.837 0,535.041 68.572,576.233"/>

这是较小的 SVG 代码,我需要对其进行扩展:

    <linearGradient id="surface_right_inside_side_4_" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse" x1="273.4377" y1="319.251" x2="78.0696" y2="209.0197">
        <stop  offset="0" style="stop-color:#FFFFFF"/>
        <stop  offset="0.9816" style="stop-color:#A3A5A8"/>
    <polygon id="surface_right_inside_side_9_" fill="url(#surface_right_inside_side_4_)" points="205.112,366.797 136.945,324.924 137.157,156.261 205.731,197.464"/>

    <linearGradient id="SVGID_1_" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse" x1="247.2952" y1="408.1992" x2="-103.1108" y2="356.7538">
        <stop  offset="0" style="stop-color:#FFFFFF"/>
        <stop  offset="0.8528" style="stop-color:#CCCCCC"/>
        <stop  offset="0.9954" style="stop-color:#CCCCCC"/>
    <polygon fill="url(#SVGID_1_)" points="205.731,366.465 137.157,325.262 0.021,407.536 68.592,448.729"/>

    <linearGradient id="surface_right_inside_side_7_" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse" x1="160.3313" y1="296.623" x2="-52.0119" y2="377.1676">
        <stop  offset="0" style="stop-color:#FF0000"/>
        <stop  offset="0.6698" style="stop-color:#00FFFF"/>
        <stop  offset="1" style="stop-color:#FF0000"/>
    <polygon id="surface_right_inside_side_6_" fill="url(#surface_right_inside_side_7_)" points="68.532,448.767 0,407.497 0.021,238.536 68.592,279.729"/>

    <linearGradient id="SVGID_2_" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse" x1="248.4749" y1="215.7417" x2="-75.5139" y2="220.7572">
        <stop  offset="0.0016" style="stop-color:#FF0000"/>
        <stop  offset="0.6735" style="stop-color:#00FFFF"/>
        <stop  offset="1" style="stop-color:#FF0000"/>
    <polygon fill="url(#SVGID_2_)" points="205.731,197.464 137.157,156.261 68.592,197.333 0.021,238.536 68.592,279.729"/>

@dignifiedquire 解决这个问题

我已经在一个测试站点中实现了@dignifiedquire 建议算法:Here's the test link。我自己进行了绝对到相对的转换,它只显示了与通常将相同的多边形 x 和 y 更改值添加到渐变 x 和 y 相同的结果。这是主要问题 - 如何将这些值转换为这样的值,如我上面的示例中那样转换渐变?



更新 3 个备选想法

在此图片中,您可以看到原始多边形 abcd , 它的边界框 a'b'c'd'和梯度 g1g2 .现在的目标是首先计算两个点 g1g2在绝对值中,然后计算这两者的相对值。

bounding box

基本思想是测试渐变是否与通过边界框 Angular 的其中一条线相交(a'b'b'c'c'd'd'a'),然后测试交点是否在边缘有问题。现在有两个特殊情况需要处理。 1.梯度是垂直的,这意味着它的斜率是无穷大 2. 有问题的一面是垂直的,这又意味着它的斜率是无穷大 所有其他情况都可以通过基本数学轻松解决(直线的两点形式,两条线的交点)。


_ = require('underscore')    

function intersectGradientWithPolygon(polygon, gradient){
  var sides = [
    ["a", "b"],
    ["b", "c"],
    ["c", "d"],
    ["d", "a"]

  var boundingBox = calculateBoundingBox(polygon);

  // intersect each side of the bounding box with the gradient
  var intersections =, function(side){
    var intersection = intersect(boundingBox[side[0]], boundingBox[side[1]], gradient.a, gradient.b);
      // calculate the percentages
      return calcPercentage(intersection, boundingBox);

  return intersections;


function Point(x,y){
  this.x = x;
  this.y = y;

function calcPercentage(intersection, boundingBox){
  var lengthX = (boundingBox.max.x - boundingBox.min.x),
      lengthY = (boundingBox.max.y - boundingBox.min.y),
      x = (intersection.x / lengthX) * 100,
      y = (intersection.y / lengthY) * 100;

function calculateBoundingBox(polygon){
  var xValues = _.pluck(polygon, 'x'),
      yValues = _.pluck(polygon, 'y'),
      maxX = _.max(xValues),
      maxY = _.max(yValues),
      minX = _.min(xValues),
      minY = _.min(yValues);

  return {
    "a": new Point(minX, maxY),
    "b": new Point(maxX, maxY),
    "c": new Point(maxX, minY),
    "d": new Point(minX, minY),
    "max": new Point(maxX, maxY),
    "min": new Point(minX, minY)
// tests if the two lines a1, b1 and a2, b2 intersect and 
// returns the point of intersection if the do so
function intersect(a1, b1, a2, b2){

  var s = new Point( );

  // TODO
  // This is the part that is missing
  // one needs to implement what I described above at this point

  if (isInIntervall(s.x, a1.x, b1.x) && isInIntervall(s.y, a2.y, b2.y)){
    return s;
  else {
    return false;

// test if a point is in the intervall [a,b]
function isInIntervall(point, a, b){
  return (point >= a) && (point <=b);

更新 2

Question: Also how should the gradient coordinates change if the polygon is moved in space as a whole and not stretched.?

Answer: You calculate the amount that you move one point of your polygon in x and y and move the points of the gradient the exact same amount.

我现在已将算法更改为基于在多边形的一侧按单位的绝对数量进行缩放。 我还创建了一个图像来解释算法的作用

  1. 原始多边形
  2. 按由输入确定的比例因子缩放多边形
  3. 将多边形移回原处


更新于 15.7.2012 我根据我提出的使用变换矩阵进行变换的想法推导出了一种算法。我没有时间测试它,但代码在 node.js 下运行,如果包含 underscore.js 应该在浏览器中运行和 sylvester (矩阵运算)在您的文档中。


/* underscore for some helper methods
 * http:*http:*
_ = require("underscore");  

/* matrix operations
 * http:*


var gradient = {
    "x": 165.3425,
    "y": 39.7002
    "x": -49.991,
    "y": 43.0337 

var polygon = {
  "a": {
    "x": 137.145,
    "y": 41.204
  "b": {
    "x": 68.572,
    "y": 0
  "c": {
    "x": 0,
    "y": 41.204
  "d": {
    "x": 68.572,
    "y": 82.396
// the scales are now absolute values in the same units as the coordinates
var scaleAbsX = 100;
var scaleAbsY = 100 * Math.tan( 62/2 * (Math.PI/180) );

// this describes the side that is scaled
var side = ["a", "b"];


scalePolyWithGradient = function(polygon, gradient, scaleAbsX, scaleAbsY, side){
  // 1. Scale by factor: derive factor from input scaling and then translate into scaling matrix
  // 2. Apply scale to the gradient
  // 3. Translate both back 

  // create a scaling matrix based of the input scales

  // get the two points of the scaled side
  var point1 = polygon[side[0]],
      point2 = polygon[side[1]];
  // scale these points
  var scaledPoint1 = { "x": point1.x + scaleAbsX,
                       "y": point1.y + scaleAbsY },
      scaledPoint2 = { "x": point2.x + scaleAbsX,
                       "y": point2.y + scaleAbsY };

  // calculate the relative scales
  var scaleRelX = scaledPoint1.x / point1.x,
      scaleRelY = scaledPoint1.y / point1.y;

  // create the scale matrix
  var scaleMatrix = $M([ [scaleRelX, 0],
                     [0, scaleRelY] ]);

  // scale both the polygon and the gradient
  // we iterate so that the translation is done on every point
  var scale = function(point){
    // convert the point into a matrix
    point = $M([[point.x], 

    // scale
    var newPoint = scaleMatrix.multiply(point);

    return { "x": newPoint.elements[0][0],
             "y": newPoint.elements[1][0]};

  var newPolygon  = {},
      newGradient = {};

  _.each(polygon, function(point, key){
    newPolygon[key] = scale(point);
  _.each(gradient, function(point, key){
    newGradient[key] = scale(point);

  // calculate the translation to move them to the original position
  // and move them back

  // we know that the points to move to their original position are the
  // ones not in the scale side
  var sides = _.keys(polygon),                   // all possible sides
      movePoints = _.difference(sides, side),    // the points not used in the scale
      point = movePoints[0];                     // the first of these points

  // we use these points to create the translation
  var oldPoint = polygon[point],
      newPoint = newPolygon[point];
  var translateMatrix = $M([ [newPoint.x - oldPoint.x],
                             [newPoint.y - oldPoint.y] ]);

  var translate = function(point){
    // convert the point into a matrix
    point = $M([[point.x], 

    // translate
    var newPoint = point.add(translateMatrix);

    return { "x": newPoint.elements[0][0],
             "y": newPoint.elements[1][0]};
  // apply the translation
  _.each(newPolygon, function(point, key){
     newPolygon[key] = translate(point);
   _.each(newGradient, function(point, key){
     newGradient[key] = translate(point);

  // return the new coordinates
  return [newPolygon, newGradient];
// apply the algorithm
var newPolygon, newGradient = null;
var result = scalePolyWithGradient(polygon, gradient, scaleAbsX, scaleAbsY, side);
newPolygon = result[0];
newGradient = result[1];


 newPolygon = { "a": {
                   "x": 178.2885,
                 "b": {
                   "x": 96.00089999999999,
                   "y": 20.598999999999997
                 "c": {
                   "x": 13.714500000000001,
                   "y": 82.405
                 "d": { 
                   "x": 96.00089999999999,
 newGradient = { "a": {
                   "x": 212.12550000000005,
                 "b": {
                     "x": -46.274699999999996,
                     "y": 85.14955


The image is here因为我无法将图像上传到 stackoverflow(声誉太低)




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