c# - 通过函数指针在 C# 中调用 C 函数

标签 c# .net c

我的 C 程序中有一个静态函数,它的地址被传输到 C# .NET 程序。地址是正确的,但是可以在C#中调用这个函数吗?


static void test_callback() 
    printf("test_callback called\n");

void callCSharpFunction ()
    HRESULT status;
    BOOL Started;
    DWORD result;
    char ptr[5];
    int p1;
    Started = FALSE;    

    status = CorBindToRuntimeEx(
                 (PVOID *)&Host

    if (FAILED(status)) {}

    status = ICLRRuntimeHost_Start(Host);

    if (FAILED(status)) {}

    Started = TRUE;

    p1 = (int)(&test_callback);
    ptr[0] = 0xFF & ((int)&test_callback >> 0);
    ptr[1] = 0xFF & ((int)&test_callback >> 8);
    ptr[2] = 0xFF & ((int)&test_callback >> 16);
    ptr[3] = 0xFF & ((int)&test_callback >> 24);

    printf("test_callback is at 0x%X\n", (int)&test_callback);

    status = ICLRRuntimeHost_ExecuteInDefaultAppDomain(

    printf("Result is 0x%X\n", result);

在我的 C# .NET 项目中有

public static unsafe void callCallback(int ptr)
    void (*callback)();

    // I wish I could do that but "unsafe" seems not to allow function pointers ..
    callback = (void(*)())ptr; 


public static int test(string param)
    char[] ptrChar = param.ToCharArray();
    int ptrInt = 0;

    ptrInt = ( ((int)(0xFF00 & (int)ptrChar[1]) | (0x00FF & (int)ptrChar[1])) << 16 ) |
                (int)(0xFF00 & (int)ptrChar[0]) | (0x00FF & (int)ptrChar[0]);



您需要使用 Marshal。 GetDelegateForFunctionPointer .您甚至不需要使用不安全的代码。

delegate void TestCallbackDelegate(); //must match the signature of test_callback()

public static void callCallback(int ptr)
    IntPtr nativePtr = new IntPtr( ptr );

    var callback = Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer<TestCallbackDelegate>( nativePtr );


public static int test(string param)
    char[] ptrChar = param.ToCharArray();
    int ptrInt = 0;

    ptrInt = ( ((int)(0xFF00 & (int)ptrChar[1]) | (0x00FF & (int)ptrChar[1])) << 16 ) |
                (int)(0xFF00 & (int)ptrChar[0]) | (0x00FF & (int)ptrChar[0]);


尽管更简单的方法是将 void* 传递给 C# 方法,它会自动编码为 IntPtr。这是一个最小的例子:


//compile with: cl /EHsc /LD /nologo invoke.cpp
#include <stdio.h>

static void test_callback() 
    printf("test_callback called\n");

extern "C" __declspec( dllexport ) void* getPointer()
    return (void*)&test_callback; //Return a raw pointer to the test_callback function.


//compile with: csc /nologo invoke.cs
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

class Program
    [DllImport( "invoke.dll" )]
    private static extern IntPtr getPointer();

    private delegate void TestCallbackDelegate(); //Delegate that matches the signature of test_callback

    static void main()
        IntPtr ptr = getPointer(); //Fetch the native void pointer.
        TestCallbackDelegate test_callback = Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer<TestCallbackDelegate>( ptr ); //Marshal the void pointer to a delegate.
        test_callback(); //Invoke the native C function.

我使用了 DllImport 属性来避免必须像您正在做的那样调用 CLR,但这是相同的想法。

编辑:因为我意识到上述内容不适用于 OP 的要求,所以我将包含一个更新的正确示例。以上内容将留给后代。



#include <stdio.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <mscoree.h>

static void test_callback()
    printf( "test_callback has been called.\n" );

int main( void )
    HRESULT status;
    ICLRRuntimeHost *Host;
    BOOL Started;
    DWORD Result;

    Host = NULL;
    Started = FALSE;

    status = CorBindToRuntimeEx( NULL, NULL, 0, CLSID_CLRRuntimeHost, IID_ICLRRuntimeHost, (void**)&Host );

    if( FAILED( status ) )
        goto cleanup;

    status = ICLRRuntimeHost_Start( Host );

    if( FAILED( status ) )
        goto cleanup;

    Started = TRUE;

    int ptr = (int)&test_callback;
    printf( "test_callback is at 0x%X\n", ptr );

    char param[5];
    param[0] = 0xFF & ( ptr >> 0 );
    param[1] = 0xFF & ( ptr >> 8 );
    param[2] = 0xFF & ( ptr >> 16 );
    param[3] = 0xFF & ( ptr >> 24 );
    param[4] = '\0';

    status = ICLRRuntimeHost_ExecuteInDefaultAppDomain( Host, L"invoke.dll", L"InteropTesting.Invoker", L"InvokeCallback", (LPCWSTR)param, &Result );

    if( FAILED( status ) )
        goto cleanup;

    if( Started )
        ICLRRuntimeHost_Stop( Host );

    if( Host != NULL )
        ICLRRuntimeHost_Release( Host );

    return SUCCEEDED( status ) ? 0 : 1;


using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

namespace InteropTesting
    public static class Invoker
        private delegate void TestCallbackDelegate();

        public static int InvokeCallback( string param )
            //C# has a built-in means of turning byte arrays into integers
            //so we'll use BitConverter instead of using the bitwise operators.
            char[] chars = param.ToCharArray();
            int ptr = BitConverter.ToInt32( Array.ConvertAll( chars, c => (byte)c ), 0 );

            var test_callback = (TestCallbackDelegate)Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer( new IntPtr( ptr ), typeof( TestCallbackDelegate ) );

            return 0;

关于c# - 通过函数指针在 C# 中调用 C 函数,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/21540335/


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