c - 无法从 CodeGolf 理解这段代码

标签 c argv puts nul

所以我在 StackOverflow 上失去了我的周末,看到了 this challengeHot Network Questions .


Hello golfers! I would like to learn all the programming languages! But I kinda have a short attention span... and copying all the Hello World examples gets boring... but I like fire! ^w^


So here is the plan! I want you all to write the smallest code that will compile, print Goodbye Cruel World!, and then crash. Or, as a bonus twist challenge, print Hello World! and crash with Goodbye Cruel World!

作为一个愿意完全理解C语言的学生,我在偶然发现C answer时感到非常困惑。对这个挑战:

main(){puts(puts("Goodbye Cruel World!"));}

Prints the string and then tries to use the return value as a pointer to another string to be printed, which causes a segmentation fault.

感谢 puts() documentation我发现 puts() 在成功时返回一个非负值。所以如果我理解正确的话,这相当于:


2 是如何“指向另一个要打印的字符串的指针”??


main(i){i=puts("Goodbye Cruel World!")/0;}

这次我完全迷路了。所以i作为main的参数,用来存放puts()的返回值。行。但是 \0 呢?为什么要在那里使用 NUL-TERMINATOR 字符?




main(i){i=puts("Goodbye Cruel World!")/0;}

'\0'/0是有区别的 第一个是 NUL 字符,第二个是除以零。所以这段代码试图将 puts 的结果除以零。

关于c - 无法从 CodeGolf 理解这段代码,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/44484133/


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