PHP 接口(interface) : Specify ANY visibility

标签 php oop interface abstract

我正在为一组类使用一个接口(interface)。但是我有一个问题,因为我希望任何 visibility在接口(interface)中被允许(即:publicprotectedprivate)。


Fatal error: Access type for interface method Baz::qux() must be omitted in <the file with Baz/Bar>."

我尝试在接口(interface) Baz 中指定其他可见性方法并删除 public,但都失败了。


interface Baz
    public function qux();

class Bar implements Baz
    protected function qux()
        //do foo

class Foo extends Bar implements Baz
    private function qux()


您在 Interfaces 中声明的方法应该是公开的。你定义一个带有接口(interface)的契约。任何非公共(public)方法都是实现细节,不属于接口(interface)。顾名思义,实现细节应该进入具体的类实现接口(interface)。


Programming to the interface

The use of interfaces allows a programming style called programming to the interface. The idea behind this is to base programming logic on the interfaces of the objects used rather than on internal implementation details. Programming to the interface reduces dependency on implementation specifics and makes code more reusable.[7] It gives the programmer the ability to later change the behavior of the system by simply swapping the object used with another implementing the same interface.

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