php - PHP 中对象和类的区别?

标签 php oop class object




我假设你有 read the manual关于基本的 PHP OOP。


// Class
class MyClass {
    public $var;

    // Constructor
    public function __construct($var) {
        echo 'Created an object of MyClass';
        $this->var = $var;

    public function show_var() {
        echo $this->var;

// Make an object
$objA = new MyClass('A');

// Call an object method to show the object's property

// Make another object and do the same
$objB = new MyClass('B');

这里的对象是不同的(A 和 B),但它们都是 MyClass 类的对象。回到蓝图/建筑类比,将其视为使用相同的蓝图 build 两座不同的建筑。


// Class
class Building {
    // Object variables/properties
    private $number_of_floors = 5; // Each building has 5 floors
    private $color;

    // Constructor
    public function __construct($paint) {
        $this->color = $paint;

    public function describe() {
        printf('This building has %d floors. It is %s in color.', 

// Build a building and paint it red
$bldgA = new Building('red');

// Build another building and paint it blue
$bldgB = new Building('blue');

// Tell us how many floors these buildings have, and their painted color

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