php - Apache 与 IIS PHP 性能比较

标签 php performance apache iis fastcgi

有人知道 IIS 与 Apache 用于 PHP 托管的实际性能比较的链接吗?

我希望利用现有基础架构将技术从 .NET 更改为 PHP 应用程序,但我找不到有关托管在不同平台上的 PHP 的任何信息。一般来说,关于 IIS 与 Apache,或 ASP.NET 与 PHP .. 或任何其他语言服务器与服务器、语言与语言,但没有服务器/语言与服务器/语言。

我目前的方向是使用 PHP 和 FastCGI.. 看起来很不错。只需要证明它的合理性或找到一个令人信服的理由来拒绝我习惯的那个可爱的大 MS 怪物。


Windows 环境是 Win2k3,运行 IIS6,FastCGI 为 PHP 扩展提供服务。还计划使用 eAccelerator 或类似的脚本缓存。


PHP 最佳实践文章 -- Differences between PHP on WIMP and PHP on LAMP

Some of the differences you may encounter when developing with PHP on Win/IIS vs Linux / Apache.

The most obvious difference between WIMP and LAMP is definitely performance.
For years there has been an obvious performance advantage of LAMP over WIMP.
Only recently is their even a chance of closing that gap.
There are currently 2 projects underway that may help.

Currently available is IIS7 which is reported to have had PHP performance enhancements built in with collaboration from the ZEND team.

An upcoming projects involves Microsoft engineers working with PHP engineers to get the next version of PHP (PHP5.3 which is not yet available at this time) to perform much better in IIS. This will no doubt make some progress toward WIMP catching up with LAMP in performance.

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