c - 点钞机C程序

标签 c function if-statement

我生成的代码可以计算 20、10、5、2 和 1 的最少数量,这些数量将加起来达到用户定义的金额。用户只能输入整数,即不能输入小数。我有两个问题。

  1. 如果不需要面额,程序会输出一个随机数而不是 0。我该如何解决这个问题?
  2. 是否可以创建一个函数来替换所有 if 语句以及可能的 printf 语句?我是函数的新手,所以对它们有点迷茫。

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main(void)
 int pounds;
 int one, two, five, ten, twenty;

    printf("Enter a pounds amount with no decimals, max E999999: \n");
    scanf("%d", &pounds);
    printf("%d\n", pounds);

    if(pounds >= 20)
        twenty = (pounds / 20);
        pounds = (pounds-(twenty * 20));
        printf("%d\n", pounds);
    if(pounds >= 10)
        ten = (pounds / 10);
        pounds = (pounds-(ten * 10));
        printf("%d\n", pounds);
    if(pounds >= 5)
        five = (pounds / 5);
        pounds = (pounds-(five * 5));
        printf("%d\n", pounds);
    if(pounds >= 2)
        two = (pounds / 2);
        pounds = (pounds-(two * 2));
        printf("%d\n", pounds);
    if(pounds >= 1)
        one = (pounds / 1);
        pounds = (pounds-(one * 1));
        printf("%d\n", pounds);

 printf("The smallest amount of denominations you need are: \n");
 printf("20 x %d\n", twenty);
 printf("10 x %d\n", ten);
 printf("5 x %d\n", five);
 printf("2 x %d\n", two);
 printf("1 x %d\n", one);

return 0;



如果pounds<20 , 然后 twenty永远不会被初始化。在 C 中,变量有一个(基本上)随机值分配给它们,直到您用其他东西替换它。


int one = 0, two = 0, five = 0, ten = 0, twenty = 0;

关于c - 点钞机C程序,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8749381/



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