c - 得到 C 错误 : conversion to non-scalar type requested

标签 c pointers struct


error: conversion to non-scalar type requested


typedef struct value_t value;

struct value{
   void* x;
   int y;
   value* next;
   value* prev;

typedef struct key_t key;

struct key{
   int x;
   value * values;
   key* next;
   key* prev;


struct key new_node = (struct key) calloc(1, sizeof(struct key));
struct key* curr_node = head;

new_node.key = new_key;

struct value head_value = (struct value) calloc(1, sizeof(struct value))

难道我不应该在结构上使用 calloc 吗?另外,我有一个我创建的结构,然后我想将它设置为相同结构类型的指针,但出现错误。这是我正在做的一个例子:

struct value x;
struct value* y = *x;


error: invalid type argument of ‘unary *’

当我执行 y = x 时,我收到此警告:

warning: assignment from incompatible pointer type


您正在尝试将指针表达式(malloc() 和 friend 的返回类型是 void*)分配给结构类型(struct new_node)。那是无稽之谈。另外:不需要强制转换(并且可能很危险,因为它可以隐藏错误)

struct key *new_node = calloc(1, sizeof *new_node);

与其他 malloc() 行相同的问题:

struct value *head_value = calloc(1, sizeof *head_value);

更多错误:您省略了“struct”关键字(这在 C++ 中是允许的,但在 C 中是无意义的):

struct key{
   int x;
   struct value *values;
   struct key *next;
   struct key *prev;


struct key the_struct;
struct key other_struct;
struct key *the_pointer;

the_pointer = &other_struct; // a pointer should point to something

the_struct.x = 42;
the_pointer->x = the_struct.x; 

 /* a->b can be seen as shorthand for (*a).b :: */
(*thepointer).x = the_struct.x;

/* and for the pointer members :: */

the_struct.next = the_pointer;
the_pointer->next = malloc (sizeof *the_pointer->next);

关于c - 得到 C 错误 : conversion to non-scalar type requested,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9012312/


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