c - 为什么#define 和 typedef 操作数是倒置的?

标签 c typedef c-preprocessor

以下定义 AB 替换:

#define A B

虽然这将 A 定义为 type B 的别名:

typedef B A;




// declare a variable called "myInt" with type int
int myInt;
// declare a variable called "myDouble" with type double
double myDouble;
// declare a variable called "myLong" with type long
long myLong;
// declare a variable called "myFunc" with type pointer to function
void (*myFunc)(char*);

那么 typedef 就很有意义了:

// declare a type alias called "myInt" with type int
typedef int myInt;
// declare a type alias called "myDouble" with type double
typedef double myDouble;
// declare a type alias called "myLong" with type long
typedef long myLong;
// declare a type alias called "myFunc" with type pointer to function
typedef void (*myFunc)(char*);


#define A(B, C) B, C

A(1, 2) // expands out to 1, 2


(顺便说一句,这也适用于 C++。)

关于c - 为什么#define 和 typedef 操作数是倒置的?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5135693/


可以在嵌套 for 循环中使用双括号吗?

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