c - 来自不兼容指针类型的警告初始化 - C 函数指针数组

标签 c function pointers initialization function-pointers



int doubeInput (int* inputVal);
int squareInput (int* inputVal);
int cubeInput (int* inputVal);


int (*funPtrArr[])(int)={doubleInput, squareInput, cubeInput};


while (choice >0 && choice <=3)



//function to perform the menu option 1,user input passed in
int doubleInput (int* inputVal)
    //calculate double
    int answer = (*inputVal) *= (2);
    printf("%d x 2", inputVal); 

    return (answer);

//function to perform the menu option 2,user input passed in
int squareInput (int* inputVal)
    //calculate square
    int answer = (*inputVal) *= (*inputVal);
    printf("%d x %d", inputVal, inputVal);

    return (answer);


//function to perform the menu option 3,user input passed in
int cubeInput (int* inputVal)
    //calculate cube
    int answer = (*inputVal) *= (*inputVal) *= (*inputVal);
    printf("%d ^ 3", inputVal);

    return (answer);

我不断收到此错误,我是 C 的新手。我的功能尚未完成,因为我无法测试它们。 请帮忙


int (*funPtrArr[])(int) 

声明了一个指针数组,指向带有 int 参数的函数,但您的函数有一个 int * 参数。 所以该行应该是

int (*funPtrArr[])(int *)={doubleInput, squareInput, cubeInput};

关于c - 来自不兼容指针类型的警告初始化 - C 函数指针数组,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/58417160/


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