c# - 使用 Octokit 更新 GitHub 存储库中的文件

标签 c# git github updates octokit.net

我正在尝试开发一个 Windows 窗体应用程序,可以使用 Octokit 在 GitHub 存储库中创建、更新和删除文件。

 public Form1()

        var ghClient = new GitHubClient(new ProductHeaderValue("Octokit-Test"));
        ghClient.Credentials = new Credentials("-personal access token here-");

        // github variables
        var owner = "username";
        var repo = "repository name";
        var branch = "master";

        // create file
        //var createChangeSet = ghClient.Repository.Content.CreateFile(owner,repo,"path/file2.txt",new CreateFileRequest("File creation", "Hello World!", branch));

        // update file
        var updateChangeSet = ghClient.Repository.Content.UpdateFile(owner, repo,"path/file2.txt", new UpdateFileRequest("File update","Hello Universe!", "SHA value should be here", branch));



var updateChangeSet = ghClient.Repository.Content.UpdateFile(owner, repo,"path/file2.txt", new UpdateFileRequest("File update","Hello Universe!", "SHA value should be here", branch));

如您所见,在这种情况下,我必须获取 sha 值,因为“UpdateFileRequest”的要求是,

UpdateFileRequest(string message, string content, string sha, string branch)

如何从 GitHub 接收我的文件的 Sha 值?


Task<RepositoryChangeSet> does not contain a definition for 'Content' and no extention method 'Content' accepting a first argument of type Task<RepositoryChangeSet> could be found

我查看了GitHub Documentation它说我应该使用,

GET /repos/:owner/:repo/contents/:path

返回存储库中文件或目录的内容,因此我假设我能够通过这种方式获取 sha 值。

如何实现此方法来接收存储库中文件的 sha 值,以便我可以使用该值来更新文件?


我遇到了同样的问题,要获取 sha,您需要首先获取现有文件,通过此文件,您还可以获得最后一次提交 sha,它可用于更新文件。


            var ghClient = new GitHubClient(new ProductHeaderValue("Octokit-Test"));
            ghClient.Credentials = new Credentials("//...//");

            // github variables
            var owner = "owner";
            var repo = "repo";
            var branch = "branch";

            var targetFile = "_data/test.txt";

                // try to get the file (and with the file the last commit sha)
                var existingFile = await ghClient.Repository.Content.GetAllContentsByRef(owner, repo, targetFile, branch);

                // update the file
                var updateChangeSet = await ghClient.Repository.Content.UpdateFile(owner, repo, targetFile,
                   new UpdateFileRequest("API File update", "Hello Universe! " + DateTime.UtcNow, existingFile.First().Sha, branch));
            catch (Octokit.NotFoundException)
                // if file is not found, create it
                var createChangeSet = await ghClient.Repository.Content.CreateFile(owner,repo, targetFile, new CreateFileRequest("API File creation", "Hello Universe! " + DateTime.UtcNow, branch));

我不确定是否有更好的方法来做到这一点 - 如果找不到搜索的文件,则会引发异常。


关于c# - 使用 Octokit 更新 GitHub 存储库中的文件,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/41316067/


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