git - `origin/master` 是指远程存储库中的远程分支,还是本地存储库中的远程跟踪分支?

标签 git version-control branch

使用 Git 进行版本控制

By default, each new clone maintains a link back to its parent repository via a remote called origin. ... Git also configures the default origin remote with a default fetch refspec:

fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*

Establishing this refspec anticipates that you want to continue updating your local repository by fetching changes from the originating repository. In this case, the remote repository’s branches are available in the clone on branch names prefixed with origin/, such as origin/master, origin/dev, or origin/maint.


if the alternate histories are in different repositories because of cloning, then the remote branch must be brought into your repository via a fetch operation. You can carry out the operation through a direct git fetch command or as part of a git pull command; it doesn’t matter which. In either case, the fetch brings the remote’s commits, here C and D, into your repository. In no way does the introduction of the alternate history with commits C and D change the history represented by X and Y; the two alternate histories both now exist simultaneously in your repository and form a more complex graph. Your history is represented by your master branch, and the remote history is represented by the origin/master remote-tracking branch.

enter image description here

上面似乎说 origin/master 指的是本地存储库中的远程跟踪分支。

那么 origin/master 是指远程存储库中的远程分支,还是本地存储库中的远程跟踪分支?什么时候指的是哪个?




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