git - 为什么工作目录中的文件在 Git 分支之间切换时会获得修改状态?

标签 git branch

我的本​​地 git 存储库中有两个分支:masteranotherbranch 。当我从 master 切换时至anotherbranchgit checkout anotherbranch并运行git status我看到修改过的文件。

我用 git reset HEAD 撤消这些修改然后git status不显示它们。但是,当我切换到 master 并随后切换到分支时,我再次看到这些修改过的文件。



你不会有autocrlf set to true ,有可能吗?
因为它可以在 checkout 时更改您的文件...

查看主题“core.autocrlf considered half-assed”:

Back then, I was not a fan of the core.autocrlf support.
*But I have to admit that in the meantime, I turned into an outright un-fan of the feature. Not because its intent is wrong, but because its implementation is lousy.

Just try to git reset --hard or git stash when there are files with DOS line endings and when core.autocrlf is not false.

And then despair.

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