git - 我备份了一个git项目,并得到了 "fatal: Not a Git Repository"

标签 git

我将 Linux 上的 git 文件夹备份到 FAT32 外部驱动器上,稍后将其复制回来,它说

fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git



要添加到您的答案中,有一个 proposition of a patch back in 2007允许使用像 ' head 这样的名称' 而不是仅 ' HEAD '.


Now, I realise that this might open a can of worms ... would we also want to go looking for files called "pack-ab~1.pac" ?


所以,直到今天人们仍然在 that happens 时在 HEAD 中重命名头。 .

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