git - 在存储库中添加 .gitconfig 会覆盖我的全局 .gitconfig 文件配置吗?

标签 git github tfs git-tfs

我将我的项目托管在 TFS-GIT 服务器中。我在 TFS 上遇到 pull 请求 merge 问题。一种选择是更新 TFS 服务器本身上的 git 配置以“merge --no--ff”,因为时间紧迫和其他无法尽快完成的问题。我正在寻找解决此问题的方法

如果我将 .gitconfig 文件添加到存储库并 merge .ff 和 pull.ff 为 false 是否会覆盖在存储库级别应用的配置?那会像git那样工作吗?



是的,.gitconfig 中的设置 checkin 特定存储库将覆盖您的全局 .gitconfig设置。

this link :

A .gitconfig file can reside in up to three locations within your filesystem, the location determining the scope in which the file's contents are considered:

  • Global (~/.gitconfig): The most common use, establishes global configuration options for a particular user.
  • System (/etc/.gitconfig): Rarely used, establishes configuration options for the entirety of the local system (all users on this computer).
  • Local: At the repository level, establishes configuration options that only affect this repository. If this file were committed, the settings contained within would impact all users that clone this repository.

也来自 (为清楚起见进行了编辑):

The files are read in order, with (the repository specific .gitconfig) found taking precedence over (other .gitconfig files).

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