git - 按分支名称对 `git branch --all` 中的分支进行排序

标签 git logging branch

我有一个包含多个 Remote 的存储库。当我发出 git branch --all --verbose 它显示:

bar                    9876de11 hello world
foo                    12abde23 description
master                 34fd4545 tony the pony
quz                    ab34df67 me, too
remotes/origin/bar     9876de11 hello world
remotes/origin/foo     12abde23 description
remotes/origin/master  34fd4545 tony the pony
remotes/origin/quz     ab34df67 me, too
remotes/zulu/bar       9876de11 hello world
remotes/zulu/foo       12abde23 description
remotes/zulu/master    34fd4545 tony the pony
remotes/zulu/quz       ab34df67 me, too


bar                    9876de11 hello world
remotes/origin/bar     9876de11 hello world
remotes/zulu/bar       9876de11 hello world
foo                    12abde23 description
remotes/origin/foo     12abde23 description
remotes/zulu/foo       12abde23 description
master                 34fd4545 tony the pony
remotes/origin/master  34fd4545 tony the pony
remotes/zulu/master    34fd4545 tony the pony
quz                    ab34df67 me, too
remotes/origin/quz     ab34df67 me, too
remotes/zulu/quz       ab34df67 me, too


git branch -a -v | sort -t / -k 3




git branch --all --verbose | sed 's/^[ *] //' | while read line; do echo $(basename $(echo $line | awk '{ print $1 }')) $line; done | sort | cut -d' ' -f2-

基本上,我们提取分支的 basename,只给我们分支名称,没有 remotes/origin/whatever。然后我们对其进行排序,然后通过 cut 将其从最终输出中删除。这可以调整和清理,但它应该给你一个起点。您还可以将 --color 添加到初始 git 分支 以保留您看到的彩色输出,而无需将 git 管道传输到任何内容。

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