git - 如何轻松预览多个 git -repos?

标签 git

我在不同的项目中有很多 git 存储库,我希望看到关于它们开发的更多鸽派观点。我目前只是输入个人 repo 协议(protocol),但必须有更简单的方法。我在团队工作中使用过 Flowdock(使用 RSS),但这并不是我真正想要的。我需要一些关于控制台中 git 报告的鸽 subview ,而不需要重复输入每个项目。 (我目前在 github/bitbucket 中看到 pigeon-view,但我想在控制台或类似 thta 的东西上看到它。)如何轻松预览许多 git -repos?

试验 1:一些总结?

$ find . -iname ".git"     # find me all git -repos
$  find . -iname ".git"|wc # shows the amount of repos
     40      40     434
$ How can I execute here a command to preview the developments in each repo?
$ They may be related projects so it would be extremely useful to see where
$ things are going!
$ find . -iname ".git" -exec cd '{}' & cd .. & git log $PWD|head -n7 \; # err
$ Some tool to do this kind of erroneous things? 
$ (there is some small mistake but it is just sketching my idea about pigeon view)
$ (also some sort of graphical connection diagram between repos would be useful)


  1. Using git for a project with many, many repos
  2. Is anyone really using git super/subprojects?
  3. Git: how to avoid repetitive committing with sub-sub-sub... Git -repos?


要么用你的每个 repos 作为 remotes 创建一个 repo,然后从所有的中获取,然后过滤你的 git log --all -- 或者 -- 用你的 repos 的多个子模块创建一个 repo,然后做一个git submodule foreach git log 或类似的东西。

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