git - splinter 的 Git 树

标签 git

最近接手一个项目,发现git repo树坏了。 enter image description here



  1. 这样的状态是如何产生的?
  2. 是否可以修复这棵树。也许将蓝色子分支的头部推到红色主分支上?



可以使用 git filter-branch 将不相关的历史连接在一起。以下是联机帮助页的摘录:

To set a commit (which typically is at the tip of another history) to be the
parent of the current initial commit, in order to paste the other history behind
the current history:

    git filter-branch --parent-filter 'sed "s/^\$/-p <graft-id>/"' HEAD

(if the parent string is empty - which happens when we are dealing with the
initial commit - add graftcommit as a parent). Note that this assumes history
with a single root (that is, no merge without common ancestors happened). If
this is not the case, use:

    git filter-branch --parent-filter \
            'test $GIT_COMMIT = <commit-id> && echo "-p <graft-id>" || cat' HEAD

or even simpler:

    git replace --graft $commit-id $graft-id
    git filter-branch $graft-id..HEAD

在您的例子中,$commit-id 是第一个蓝色提交,$graft-id 是最后一个红色提交。


让我们创建一个 repo 和一些红色提交:

$ git init
$ echo a >a
$ git add a
$ git commit -m c1
[master (root-commit) 6a6b98f] c1
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
 create mode 100644 a
$ echo b >>a
$ git add a
$ git commit -m c2
[master d91d385] c2
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)

现在创建一个不相关的分支 o1 并添加一些蓝色提交:

$ git checkout --orphan=o1
Switched to a new branch 'o1'
$ echo c >>a
$ git add a
$ git commit -m c3
[o1 (root-commit) ed2b106] c3
 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 a
$ echo d >>a
$ git add a
$ git commit -m c4
[o1 5b655a6] c4
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)


$ git log --format=short --graph --all
* commit 5b655a615f8a729c123d89180ca1928451b465b2 (HEAD -> o1)
|     c4
* commit ed2b106d7bd0ffef317a723f2921808bc8ad9f45


* commit d91d385c7811ba07f4092133c435b55323562686 (master)
|     c2
* commit 6a6b98fca7150839f607d9d55c6b9f10861375f8


ed2b106(c3,第一个蓝色)创建一个嫁接提交,并将 d91d385(c2,最后一个红色)作为其新父级:

$ git replace --graft ed2b106d7bd0ffef317a723f2921808bc8ad9f45 d91d385c7811ba07f4092133c435b55323562686
$ git log --format=short --graph --all
* commit 5b655a615f8a729c123d89180ca1928451b465b2 (HEAD -> o1)
|     c4
* commit ed2b106d7bd0ffef317a723f2921808bc8ad9f45 (replaced)
|     c3
| * commit 4656e5bca003770b1a35aff10e3ffb51f7fb1ad9
|       c3
* commit d91d385c7811ba07f4092133c435b55323562686 (master)
|     c2
* commit 6a6b98fca7150839f607d9d55c6b9f10861375f8


我们得到了 4656e5b(固定的 c3)作为固定父代的替换,但是替换只是本地的,所以我们现在需要重写所有的蓝色提交:

$ git filter-branch d91d385c7811ba07f4092133c435b55323562686..HEAD
Rewrite 5b655a615f8a729c123d89180ca1928451b465b2 (2/2) (0 seconds passed, remaining 0 predicted)    
Ref 'refs/heads/o1' was rewritten
$ git log --format=short --graph
* commit 2cf6b0d3a0ee2deff99bbe327d065f90c82c1c2b (HEAD -> o1)
|     c4
* commit 4656e5bca003770b1a35aff10e3ffb51f7fb1ad9
|     c3
* commit d91d385c7811ba07f4092133c435b55323562686 (master)
|     c2
* commit 6a6b98fca7150839f607d9d55c6b9f10861375f8


4656e5b(固定的 c3)已经很好(与 ed2b106 相同,原始的 c3,只是父级不同),但是 5b655a6 (c4) 被重写,使其父级为 4656e5b(固定的 c3)而不是 ed2b106(原始 c3)。我们现在可以安全地删除替换项,因为我们的历史记录中不再使用 ed2b106:

$ git replace -d ed2b106d7bd0ffef317a723f2921808bc8ad9f45
Deleted replace ref 'ed2b106d7bd0ffef317a723f2921808bc8ad9f45'

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