git - GitHub 和 GitLab 是否支持 git clone 的 --filter 参数?

标签 git github gitlab jgit rugged

我想使用 git 的 partialClone特征。在这个answer我看到了 git clone --filter=tree:none <repo>命令。

但是在github上尝试执行时,提示warning: filtering not recognized by server, ignoring .它没有用。




几乎可以肯定,GitHub 或 GitLab 还不支持这一点。

--filter 选项正在积极开发中,尚未真正准备好用于通用用途。 GitHub 的 blog post about the release of Git 2.19 in September, 2018 says

Note that most public servers do not yet support the feature, but you can play with git clone --filter=blob:none against your local Git 2.19 install.


OP 2019-03-21 更新:

Not long ago, I received an official reply from github. They think that the --filter parameter is still an immature feature and is accompanied by some security issues. Therefore, this feature will not be supported in the short term.

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