git - `.git/objects/info`目录是什么

标签 git

.git/objects 目录中有 info 子目录。它是干什么用的?我知道 .git/objects 目录用于什么以及什么是 .git/objects/pack 目录。但是我找不到关于.git/objects/info 目录的信息。它可能在表面上的某个地方,但 info 是过于通用的名称,无法在 google 中搜索 - 太多不相关的结果。


Repository layout documentation :

Additional information about the object store is recorded in this directory.

This file is to help dumb transports discover what packs are available in this object store. Whenever a pack is added or removed, git update-server-info should be run to keep this file up-to-date if the repository is published for dumb transports. git repack does this by default.

This file records paths to alternate object stores that this object store borrows objects from, one pathname per line. Note that not only native Git tools use it locally, but the HTTP fetcher also tries to use it remotely; this will usually work if you have relative paths (relative to the object database, not to the repository!) in your alternates file, but it will not work if you use absolute paths unless the absolute path in filesystem and web URL is the same. See also objects/info/http-alternates.

This file records URLs to alternate object stores that this object store borrows objects from, to be used when the repository is fetched over HTTP.

所以它纯粹是 git 内部的。


$ cat .git/objects/info/packs
P pack-fac58f9273f12d454896cdc6070b9607e271e530.pack

$ ls -1 .git/objects/pack/

它用于 http.c#http_get_info_packshttps-push.c#fetch_indices 使用.

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