git pull 导致 "unlink of file failed"错误

标签 git

我正在尝试执行 git pull 并遇到了可怕的“文件 xxx 的取消链接失败”错误。

我已经尝试过 this 中定义的 ProcessExplorer回答;使用查找函数不会返回任何使用相关文件的进程。

我也试过运行 git gc,如 this 中所述回答,它运行,但我仍然收到错误。




这应该在 Git 2.8(2016 年 3 月)中修复

参见 commit d562102 , commit dcacb1b , commit df617b5 , commit 0898c96 (2016 年 1 月 13 日)作者:Johannes Schindelin (dscho) .
(由 Junio C Hamano -- gitster -- merge 于 commit 3c80940 ,2016 年 1 月 26 日)

fetch: release pack files before garbage-collecting

Before auto-gc'ing, we need to make sure that the pack files are released in case they need to be repacked and garbage-collected.

Many codepaths that run "gc --auto" before exiting kept packfiles mapped and left the file descriptors to them open, which was not friendly to systems that cannot remove files that are open.
They now close the packs before doing so.

这修复了 git-for-widows issue 500 .

查看 test used to validate that new approach ,也许你可以(因为 Git 2.8 还没有出来)人为地提高 gc.autoPackLimit

git config gc.autoPackLimit 10000
git fetch
git config gc.autoPackLimit 50 # default value

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