git - 是否可以使用 SSH 协议(protocol)在 上镜像私有(private)存储库?

标签 git ssh gitlab ssh-keys 有一个选项可以在他们自己的站点上镜像其他存储库。 (项目-->项目设置-->镜像仓库)

但是当我尝试使用 ssh 协议(protocol)执行此操作时,授权失败,因为我要克隆的存储库无法识别 的公钥。


If your SSH repository is not publicly accessible, add the public SSH key of the GitLab server to the remote repository.

问题是,我找不到将私钥添加到 或从 下载公钥的选项。

这是否只有在您拥有 GitLab 服务器时才有可能,还是我忽略了什么?


Gitlab mirroring featureimplemented recently on Nov 2015但不幸的是,它仅适用于 Gitlab 企业版:

Repository Mirroring (EE only) If you want to maintain a mirror of a repository in a GitLab instance, you can now let GitLab handle the mirroring for you automatically in GitLab Enterprise Edition.

检查 the features comparison在社区版和企业版之间 您请求 EE 或使用 gitlab-mirrors脚本:

The gitlab-mirrors project is designed to fill in a feature which is currently missing from GitLab: the ability to mirror remote repositories. gitlab-mirrors creates read only copies of remote repositories in gitlab. It provides a CLI management interface for managing the mirrored repositories (e.g. add, delete, update) so that an admin may regularly update all mirrors using crontab. It operates by interacting with the GitLab API using python-gitlab3. Also, check out this cool puppet module for installing and configuring gitlab-mirrors.

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