Git 产生 "BUG: There are unmerged index entries"

标签 git debugging merge fatal-error


git merge some-branch


BUG: There are unmerged index entries:
BUG: 3 docfatal: Bug in merge-recursive.c



更糟糕的是,这个错误实际上是沿着我的源代码的一个版本传播的。由于 some-branch 最初只是我的本地工作,所以我将其推送到远程服务器上。然后克隆了一个新的存储库,并尝试在此副本上 merge 上述分支并得到相同的消息。

编辑 2


$> export GIT_MERGE_VERBOSITY=5; git merge origin/funkload 
a1ef5a2 Uaktualniony INSTALL.
virtual origin/funkload
found 2 common ancestor(s):
d2eb442 Resources py.
119871b Nowy commit w doc.
  d2eb442 Resources py.
  119871b Nowy commit w doc.
  found 1 common ancestor(s):
  62f4183 Poprawiony bug w obsłudze linków do resources, które są null.
  Removing doc/concept/agreement.lyx
  Removing doc/concept/agreement.pdf
  Removing doc/concept/concept.lyx
  Removing druglo-doc
  Removing src/db/fixtures/initial.json
  Skipped src/druglo/backend/actions/tests/ (merged same as existing)
  Auto-merging src/druglo/backend/characters/models/
  CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in src/druglo/backend/characters/models/
  Auto-merging src/druglo/backend/players/models/
  Auto-merging src/druglo/backend/worlds/
  CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in src/druglo/backend/worlds/
  Auto-merging src/druglo/common/integrity/webservices/
  CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in src/druglo/common/integrity/webservices/
  Removing src/druglo/frontend/cityscreen/
  Removing src/druglo/frontend/
  Removing src/druglo/frontend/mainscreen/
  Removing src/druglo/frontend/
  CONFLICT (directory/file): There is a directory with name doc in Temporary merge branch 1. Adding doc as doc~Temporary merge branch 2
BUG: There are unmerged index entries:
BUG: 3 docfatal: Bug in merge-recursive.c



该错误消息是 introduced in January 2010 ,为了帮助调试这种情况,Junio C. Hamano 建议将 GIT_MERGE_VERBOSITY 设置为 5:

We might want to suggest the user to set GIT_MERGE_VERBOSITY to 5 and re-run the merge in the message.
At least we will know which part of process_renames() or process_entry() functions is not correctly handling the unmerged paths, and it might help us diagnosing the issue.

OP julkiewicz报告

CONFLICT (directory/file): 
There is a directory with name doc in Temporary merge branch 1. 
Adding doc as doc~Temporary merge branch 2


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