git - 错误计数 git 提交

标签 git bash git-merge


我有一个小的 bash 脚本:

echo "Total commits: "
git log --all --pretty=format:"%h %ad | %s%d [%an]" --date=short | wc -l
echo "Total no-merge commits: "
git log --all --pretty=format:"%h %ad | %s%d [%an]" --date=short --no-merges | wc -l
echo "Total merge commits: "
git log --all --pretty=format:"%h %ad | %s%d [%an]" --date=short --merges | wc -l

我知道代码不是最优的。 我的脚本的结果:

Total commits:  
Total no-merge commits:  
Total merge commits: 

问题:为什么非 merge 和 merge 提交的总和 (182+817 = 999) 低于总提交数 (1000)?


这些日志命令的输出使用 \n 作为分隔符,而不是终止符,因此您的 wc -l 计数都是一个短的。你真的有:

1001 = 818 + 183


来自 git 帮助日志:

The tformat: format works exactly like format:, except that it provides "terminator" semantics instead of "separator" semantics. In other words, each commit has the message terminator character (usually a newline) appended, rather than a separator placed between entries. This means that the final entry of a single-line format will be properly terminated with a new line, just as the "oneline" format does.

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