git - TeamCity 将参数从服务器传递到构建代理

标签 git continuous-integration teamcity


version = git rev-list --count "branchname"

git 在构建代理上不可用,因为我有“自动在服务器上” checkout 。

有没有办法将 version 从 checkout 服务器传递给构建代理? (不更改 VCS checkout mode 以构建代理)?

我正在运行最新的 9.1.6 版 TC。


Is there a way to pass version from checkout server to build agent? (without changing VCS checkout mode to build agent)?



- Add a version file to your repository,   
- **before** commiting use a git hook to update this file with the desired number
- Read the content of the file on your build server and you have it.

- Use a git hook to call a job on your build server which gets the 
  branch name and the number of commits and store it for later use somewhere

Gist 是,既然做不到,就需要有点创意


预接收 Hook



# Get the number of commits you need to store:
version = git rev-list --count $branchName

# Now write the desired number to the desired file and let
# the build read it

# Output colors

# personal touch :-)
echo "${red}"
echo "                                         "
echo "                   |ZZzzz                "
echo "                   |                     "
echo "                   |                     "
echo "      |ZZzzz      /^\            |ZZzzz  "
echo "      |          |~~~|           |       "
echo "      |        |-     -|        / \      "
echo "     /^\       |[]+    |       |^^^|     "
echo "  |^^^^^^^|    |    +[]|       |   |     "
echo "  |    +[]|/\/\/\/\^/\/\/\/\/|^^^^^^^|   "
echo "  |+[]+   |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|    +[]|   "
echo "  |       |  []   /^\   []   |+[]+   |   "
echo "  |   +[]+|  []  || ||  []   |   +[]+|   "
echo "  |[]+    |      || ||       |[]+    |   "
echo "  |_______|------------------|_______|   "
echo "                                         "
echo "${default}"

# set the exit code to 0 so the push will occur
exit 0;

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