visual-studio - 带有 Git 的 TeamCity Visual Studio 插件

标签 visual-studio git teamcity

我们想使用 TeamCity 实现 CI。

我们使用 Git 进行源代码控制,并希望使用 TeamCity 的“预测试提交”或“个人构建”功能。

有人使用过 Teamcity 的 VS 插件吗?

据我所知,它只支持 Subversion,不支持 Git。



Pre-tested “Commits” using Git 中所述通过 JoergM ,您可以使用个人存储库模拟类似于 TeamCity6.x“个人在分支机构上构建”的解决方案:

JoergM's setup for personnal repo .

There is one central Git-repository that only contains pre-tested changes. I call this “Green Repository” because it should only contain changes that lead to green builds.
Every developer pulls from this repository but nobody is allowed to push to it.

Instead everybody has a personal repository (think fork if you were on GitHub). The CI Server watches those personal repositories. After a commit it starts the compile and test. If that was successful it pushes the changes to the Green Repository.

JoergM 补充道:

The question is whether we will continue using our own solution or switch to the new feature of Teamcity.
So far I can’t see any advantage of the Teamcity feature.
With our solution we are even more flexible in regard of branch design.

这种设置类似于我在“What is the cleverest use of source repository that you have ever seen?”中描述的设置。

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