git - 如何查看 Git 上的特定提交

标签 git gerrit git-commit git-review

我使用 git review 命令发送了一个提交(名为“A commit”)以审查 (Gerrit)。

现在,我做了一个新提交(名为“B 提交”),我也想将它发送给审查,但我不想重新发送“A 提交”。互不依赖。

如何向 gerrit 发送特定提交的评论?


$ git add --all

$ git status

# On branch delete_role
# Changes to be committed:
#   (use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage)
#       modified:   path/to/file.ext

$ git status

# On branch delete_role
nothing to commit (working directory clean)

$ git branch


$ git log --graph --decorate --oneline -n13

* 531bd84 (HEAD, delete_role) commit 3
* df68f1a (master) commit 2
* 4ce2d8d commit 1
*   6751c7d (origin/master, origin/HEAD, gerrit/master)

提交“df68f1a”和“4ce2d8d”是相关的,它们已在之前的 git review 命令中发送,但提交“< strong>531bd84"属于新分支 (delete_role),因为是新问题。

$ git review

You have more than one commit that you are about to submit.
The outstanding commits are:

531bd84 (HEAD, delete_role) commit 3
df68f1a (master) commit 2
4ce2d8d commit 1

我想发送给 Gerrit 只有“531bd84”提交,而不是其他提交。


在新分支中创建 B 提交。

在这个分支上,使用git review,它只会将这个分支的内容推送到Gerrit。

这样,Gerrit 就不会认为你的提交 B 需要你的提交 A,如果你愿意,你可以在提交 A 之前将你的提交 B merge 到工作分支


...-old(merged)-A(waiting for review)


...-old(merged)-A(waiting for review) <-master branch
       \B(new commit)                 <-new branch

然后,如果你在分支 B 上,并使用 git review,它不会推送除提交 B 之外的任何其他内容


...-old(merged)-A(waiting for review)-B


git log (Note the SHA1 of your B commit)
git reset HEAD^^^ (you go back in detched state three commits before, before the two you don't want to send)
git checkout -b Breview (you create a new branch there)
git cherry-pick +the SHA1 you noted (you copy your B commit on your new branch)
git checkout master (you return on your branch with the two commit)
git reset HEAD^--hard (you delete the B commit from this branch where you don't need it)

现在,您实现了所需的配置并推送您的 B 提交,您只需要做:

git checkout Breview
git review

它只会提交你的 B 提交

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