
标签 git continuous-integration cruisecontrol phpundercontrol

所以我为我的 PHP 项目设置了以下内容:

  • 包含所有代码的 Git 存储库。
  • Cruisecontrol 的一个实例,PhpUnderControl 在其上运行。

我在 cruisecontrol 项目目录中创建了一个新项目,并设置了一个轮询器以每 2 分钟检查一次 git 存储库上的更改。我在这个 Cruisecontrol 实例中运行了 2 个项目,我设置的第一个项目运行良好。


2010-02-04 06:07:27,076 [Thread-14061] INFO  Project           - Project platform:  bootstrapping  
2010-02-04 06:07:27,077 [Thread-14061] INFO  ProjectController - platform Controller: build progress event: bootstrapping  
2010-02-04 06:07:27,496 [Thread-14061] INFO  GitBootstrapper   - Already up-to-date.  
2010-02-04 06:07:27,500 [Thread-14061] INFO  Project           - Project platform:  checking for modifications  
2010-02-04 06:07:27,500 [Thread-14061] INFO  ProjectController - platform Controller: build progress event: checking for modifications  
2010-02-04 06:07:27,583 [Thread-14063] WARN  Git               - warning: Log for '' only goes back to Tue, 26 Jan 2010 13:43:11 -0500.  
2010-02-04 06:07:27,584 [Thread-14063] WARN  Git               - fatal: Invalid revision range @{ 1264038932}..@{ 1265281647}  
2010-02-04 06:07:27,584 [Thread-14061] INFO  Project           - Project platform:  No modifications found, build not necessary.  
2010-02-04 06:07:27,584 [Thread-14061] INFO  Project           - Project platform:  idle  
2010-02-04 06:07:27,584 [Thread-14061] INFO  ProjectController - platform Controller: build progress event: idle

The strange thing here is that when I check the project directory, the code base gets updated. (I tested with a few small commits in my working directory.) The problem is that this never runs any of the other build processes since Git errors out.

If I go to the projects/platform directory directly and do a git pull, it works fine. Doing an ant build from the project directory also works just fine.

Here are the relevant config files:

<project name="platform" buildafterfailed="false">
    <plugin name="git" classname="net.sourceforge.cruisecontrol.sourcecontrols.Git" />

    <modificationset quietperiod="60">
        <git localWorkingCopy="projects/${}/" />

        <gitbootstrapper localWorkingCopy="projects/${}/" />

    <schedule interval="120">
        <ant antscript="/usr/bin/ant" buildfile="projects/${}/build.xml" />

        <currentbuildstatuslistener file="logs/${}/status.txt"/>

    <log dir="logs/${}">
        <merge dir="projects/${}/build/logs/" />

        <artifactspublisher dir="projects/${}/build/api"
        <artifactspublisher dir="projects/${}/build/coverage"
        <execute command="phpuc graph logs/${} artifacts/${}"/>
        <execute command="phpcb 
                          --log projects/${}/build/logs
                          --source projects/${}/lib/model
                          --ouput projects/${}/build/php-code-browser" />
        <artifactspublisher dir="projects/${}/build/php-code-browser"
                            subdirectory="php-code-browser" />

我对 git 错误的搜索没有给我任何好的见解,所以希望这里有人知道!


看起来好像没有为git checkout 设置的分支。我不知道如何立即解决这个问题,但这可能是前进的方向。

关于PhpUnderControl持续集成设置中Git日志报错,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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