git - 在 IntelliJ 中以图形方式显示等同于 git log --follow

标签 git intellij-idea intellij-14

IntelliJ 14 有没有办法显示特定文件的完整日志?

我的意思是:以图形方式执行一种 git log --follow 以查看旧版本;在这些文件可能被重命名之前。

目前,当我对文件执行 Git => Show History 时,它只显示等同于 git log 的内容。


--follow似乎被判断为“有问题”,但 git log 应该遵循 IDEA 上的重命名:

参见“IDEA-66700 git log should follow renames ( --follow option) ”:

Closing: the request was fixed a while ago (not via buggy -–follow though).

您可以在“IDEA-89370 Git: show history for renamed folder omits history before rename ”中找到更多信息

We don't use --follow (because of its buggy nature): instead we call git show -M on the last commit and check if the file has been renamed in this commit, and in this case request history for the old file name, and so on.


Calling git log -- <dir> even with --follow doesn't follow renames, which is however logical since the log is filtered by new directory name, and the old name doesn't match it.
I.e. Git itself doesn't provide history for directories across renames.

"IDEA-89347 Git: part of the file history is not shown because of cyclic renames of the file. "

git log --follow完全遵循所有这些重命名。但正如我们所知,它不显示 merge 。所以我们不能使用它。

Instead, our algorithm of retrieving the whole file history needs to be improved.
We actually need to look at each revision and check if the file was renamed there.

Of course, calling git show --name-status -M for each revision is very expensive.
Here is the solution: call git log --name-status and look at those revisions of the file, where it is ADDED (renames are not shown by git log, even with "-M", because we limit it to the supplied file path).

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