c++ - 了解 Linux 中的动态库加载

标签 c++ c linux shared-libraries

我试图从这里 [1] 了解 Linux 中的动态库加载,并想澄清这个概念。具体来说,当在 Linux 环境中的进程中加载​​动态库时,它会加载到地址空间中的任意一点。现在,一个库有一个代码段和一个数据段。代码段的地址没有定义预链接,所以它是0x0000000,而对于数据段,一些数字被定义为地址。





[1] http://www.technovelty.org/linux/plt-and-got-the-key-to-code-sharing-and-dynamic-libraries.html


Actually, at whatever position code segment is loaded, data segment's pre-defined address is added to it.


What does this statement mean?

这意味着当库访问它自己的静态数据时,我们不应该在库代码中使用重定位。否则链接器可能需要修补二进制代码,这会导致进程之间不共享库代码的某些部分(如果进程 1 在 0x40000000 处加载库 lib1,而进程 2 在 0x50000000 处加载 lib1,则它们的数据重定位将不同)。


As you can see from the above headers, the solution is that the read-write data section is always put at a known offset from the code section of the library. This way, via the magic of virtual-memory, every process sees its own data section but can share the unmodified code. All that is needed to access data is some simple maths; address of thing I want = my current address + known fixed offset.

关于c++ - 了解 Linux 中的动态库加载,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/22540320/


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