linux - 为我澄清 linux 中的选项 我无法理解 - 和 - 之间的区别?

标签 linux

有时我们使用带有 a = "" 的双连字符(即 ls --hide=desktop 作为参数),有时我们使用单个连字符后跟一个空格(即 find .-type f)。 这两个选项有什么区别?


因此,当需要单个字符(如“h”或“s”)时,将使用“-”。但是在给出较长的字符串时需要使用双连字符。正如 psusi 所述,有些命令完全违背了这条规则。


this serverfault post所述:

通过 psusi 回答:

A single hyphen can be followed by multiple single-character flags. A double hyphen prefixes a single, multicharacter option.

通过 ssice 回答:

If there was a "lisa" argument for ls, there would probably have a different meaning to type ls -lisa than ls --lisa. The former are the l, i, s, and a parameters, not the word.

There are also programs that don't obey this convention. Most notably for my sight, dd and gcc.

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