mysql - 如何使用 Laravel 查询生成器在 WHERE 条件周围添加括号

标签 mysql laravel

我正在使用 Laravel 查询构建器根据用户的过滤器选择动态过滤数据:

 $query = DB::table('readings');
 foreach ($selections as $selection) {
   $query->orWhere('id', $selection);
 $query->whereBetween('date', array($from, $to));

当我检查 SQL 时,我得到如下信息:

select count(*) as `count` from `readings` where `id` = 1 or id` = 2 and `date` between "2013-09-01" and "2013-09-31" group by `id`;

但我需要的是这样的(在 or 语句周围有括号):

select count(*) as `count` from `readings` where (`id` = 1 or id` = 2) and `date` between "2013-09-01" and "2013-09-31" group by `id`;

如何使用 Laravel 查询构建器在 WHERE 条件周围添加括号?



->where(function ($query) use ($texto){
    $query->where('UPPER(V_CODIGO)', 'LIKE', '%'.Str::upper($texto).'%')
          ->orWhere('UPPER(V_NOMBRE)', 'LIKE', '%'.Str::upper($texto).'%');

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