c - Linux C IPv6 原始套接字 - 告诉套接字不要分配流标签

标签 c linux sockets ipv6

我试图使用 IPv6 原始套接字发送一些内容。由于某种原因,我需要 IPv6 流标签为空。当用户未设置时,Linux 似乎会分配随机流标签。

我发现的是IPV6_FLOWLABEL_MGRIPV6_FLOWINFO_SEND。通过将 IPV6_FLOWINFO_SEND 设置为 true,我可以使用 IPV6_FLOWLABEL_MGRin6_flowlabel_req 自行分配标签。

但是,我找不到禁用自动分配行为的选项。我尝试手动将标签设置为 0 - 但当用户将标签设置为 0 时,Linux 为其分配了一个新标签。



请参阅sysctl :

/proc/sys/net/ipv6/auto_flowlabels - INTEGER
    Automatically generate flow labels based on a flow hash of the
    packet. This allows intermediate devices, such as routers, to
    identify packet flows for mechanisms like Equal Cost Multipath
    Routing (see RFC 6438).
    0: automatic flow labels are completely disabled
    1: automatic flow labels are enabled by default, they can be
       disabled on a per socket basis using the IPV6_AUTOFLOWLABEL
       socket option
    2: automatic flow labels are allowed, they may be enabled on a
       per socket basis using the IPV6_AUTOFLOWLABEL socket option
    3: automatic flow labels are enabled and enforced, they cannot
       be disabled by the socket option
    Default: 1

关于c - Linux C IPv6 原始套接字 - 告诉套接字不要分配流标签,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/48310068/


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