linux - .inputrc 覆盖 Control+W

标签 linux unix readline stty

如何在我的 .inputrc 中覆盖 bash 中的 Control+W?以下内容本身不起作用:

"\C-w": forward-word

当我添加 stty werase undef 时,它确实起作用,但随后“s”键神秘地被禁用了!


您需要在 .inputrc 文件中使用选项 set bind-tty-special-chars Off 以绑定(bind) ^W像那样。原因是:

Readline, beginning with version 5.0, reads the stty special character settings and binds them to their readline equivalents each time readline() is called from bug-bash mailing list

bind-tty-special-chars 选项在 5.1 中被引入以解决这个特性Readline Changes - 搜索选项

set bind-tty-special-chars Off
"\C-w": forward-word

稍微老派的方法涉及 .bashrc,例如:

stty erase undef
bind '"\C-w": forward-word'

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