python - Python2/3 中的 time.clock() 和 time.time() 分辨率

标签 python linux unix python-3.x


来自 time 模块文档

The precision of the various real-time functions may be less than suggested by the units in which their value or argument is expressed. E.g. on most Unix systems, the clock “ticks” only 50 or 100 times a second.

来自 timeit 模块文档

Define a default timer, in a platform-specific manner. On Windows, time.clock() has microsecond granularity, but time.time()‘s granularity is 1/60th of a second. On Unix, time.clock() has 1/100th of a second granularity, and time.time() is much more precise. On either platform, default_timer() measures wall clock time, not the CPU time. This means that other processes running on the same computer may interfere with the timing.

现在因为在 Unix 中是实时的,它是由 time.time() 返回的,并且它的分辨率远远优于 1/100,它怎么可能“滴答”50 或 100 次一秒钟?


>>> time.clock()
0.038955                            # a resolution of microsecond?
>>> time.time()                     
1410633457.0955694                  # a resolution of 10-7 second?
>>> time.perf_counter()
4548.103329075                      # a resolution of 10-9 second (i.e nanosecond)?

P.S. 这是在 Python3.4.0 上尝试过的,在 Python2 中的 time.clock()time.time() 我总是得到点后有 6 个数字,所以精度为 1us?






import time

def average_deltas(*t):
    deltas = [t2 - t1 for t1, t2 in zip(t, t[1:])]
    return sum(deltas) / len(deltas)

for timer in time.clock, time.time, time.perf_counter:
    average = average_deltas(*(timer() for _ in range(1000))) * 10 ** 6
    print('{:<12} {:.10f}'.format(timer.__name__, average))

在我的 Mac 上打印:

clock        0.6716716717
time         0.2892525704
perf_counter 0.1550070010

因此,perf_counter 在我的架构上具有最高的精度,因为它每秒变化的频率更高,从而使值之间的增量更小。

您可以使用time.get_clock_info() function查询每种方法提供的精度:

>>> for timer in time.clock, time.time, time.perf_counter:
...     name = timer.__name__
...     print('{:<12} {:.10f}'.format(name, time.get_clock_info(name).resolution))
clock        0.0000010000
time         0.0000010000
perf_counter 0.0000000010

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