c++ - 强制父进程收割子进程 <defunct>

标签 c++ linux zombie-process


我试过: 1. kill -15 pid

  1. kill -shotgun pid

  2. kill -9 pid

他们都决定将子进程写成: 在 linux 中使用 ps -A 时“defunct”(僵尸)。





A child that terminates, but has not been waited for becomes a "zombie". The kernel maintains a minimal set of information about the zombie process (PID, termination status, resource usage information) in order to allow the parent to later perform a wait to obtain information about the child. As long as a zombie is not removed from the system via a wait, it will consume a slot in the kernel process table, and if this table fills, it will not be possible to create further processes.


#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>

waitpid(child_pid, 0, 0);

如果你想立即返回,即使 child 还没有退出:

waitpid(child_pid, 0, WNOHANG);

如果您只想收集所有僵尸 child ,而不是查找有关特定 child 的信息,您可以:

waitpid(-1, 0, WNOHANG);

您可以在循环中执行此操作,直到 waitpid 返回负数(即错误)并且 errno 指示 ECHILD。


关于c++ - 强制父进程收割子进程 <defunct>,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/13331570/


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