linux - gnuplot 中吞吐量的明显差异

标签 linux plot gnuplot throughput iperf


first graph

当我在同一张图中绘制两个吞吐量时,我得到了第二张图片中的内容 second graph两者之间的区别尚不清楚。




!iperf -c -i 0.5 -t 60 > a

#this is used for deleting first 6 lines 
!sed -i 1,+5d a

#used to delete last line
!sed '$d' a > cropped

!cat cropped | cut -c 7-10 > b
!cat cropped | cut -c 35-38 > c
!paste b c > d

!awk 'BEGIN{print "0.0  0.0"}{print}' d > e

set xlabel "time"
set ylabel "throughput"

set terminal png nocrop enhanced font arial 8 size 900,300
#set terminal png size 900, 300

set output "chart_1.png"

#table name below graph(naming curve by colour)
set key below

plot  'e' using 1:2 title "Throughput Performance" with lines




set xlabel "time"
set ylabel "throughput"

set terminal png nocrop enhanced font arial 8 size 900,300
#set terminal png size 900, 300

set output "chart_1.png"

#table name below graph(naming curve by colour)
set key below

set style data linespoints

plot "1" using 1:2 title "case1", \
     "2" using 1:2 title "case2"

输出如下所示:enter image description here


首先作为一般性评论:使用提供更好抗锯齿的 pngcairo 终端。

为了处理您的数据,您可以使用不同的平滑选项,例如 smooth csplinessmooth bezier 或类似的(参见例如 help smooth交互式 gnuplot 终端):

plot "1" using 1:2 smooth csplines, "2" using 1:2 smooth csplines


还有什么可以帮助的是使用其他点类型然后使用默认点类型,例如pt 1 用于第一个,pt 7 用于第二个,参见 Gnuplot line types使用 test 命令检查可用的点类型。

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