c - 编译linux内核模块时未定义的函数

标签 c linux linux-kernel

我正在尝试使用 linux softirq。 A 有一个使用 linux/interrupt.h 中定义的 linux 系统调用的简单程序:

// Created by kivi on 24.09.16.

#include <linux/module.h>
#include <linux/init.h>
#include <linux/interrupt.h>
#include <linux/stat.h>

#define SHARED_IRQ 17

static int irq = SHARED_IRQ, my_dev_id, irq_counter = 0;
module_param( irq, int, S_IRUGO );

/* The interrupt handler */ 
static irqreturn_t xxx_interrupt( int irq, void *dev_id ) { 
    printk( KERN_INFO "In the top-half: counter = %d\n", irq_counter );
   raise_softirq( XXX_SOFT_IRQ ); 
   return IRQ_HANDLED; 

/* The bottom half */ 
void xxx_analyze(struct softirq_action *str) { 
    printk( KERN_INFO "In the bottom-half: counter = %d\n", irq_counter );

static int __init my_init( void ) {
    request_irq( irq, xxx_interrupt, 0, "xxx", NULL );
    open_softirq( XXX_SOFT_IRQ, xxx_analyze); 
    printk( KERN_INFO "Successfully set softirq handler on IRQ %d\n", irq );
    return 0;

static void __exit my_exit( void ) {
    synchronize_irq( irq );
    free_irq( irq, &my_dev_id );
    printk( KERN_INFO "Successfully unloading, irq_counter = %d\n", irq_counter );

module_init( my_init );
module_exit( my_exit );

当我尝试编译此模块时,出现链接器错误,未定义函数 open_softirq()raise_softirq():

kivi@kivi-pc:~/sp_labs/irq_exc/softirq$ make
make -C /lib/modules/4.7.5-custom/build M=/home/kivi/sp_labs/irq_exc/softirq modules
make[1]: Entering directory '/home/kivi/Downloads/linux-4.7.5'
  Building modules, stage 2.
  MODPOST 1 modules
WARNING: "open_softirq" [/home/kivi/sp_labs/irq_exc/softirq/softirq.ko] undefined!
WARNING: "raise_softirq" [/home/kivi/sp_labs/irq_exc/softirq/softirq.ko] undefined!
make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/kivi/Downloads/linux-4.7.5'

有趣的是函数 request_irq() 等。 interrupt.h 文件中也有定义,但它们不会造成任何问题。


obj-m += softirq.o

    make -C /lib/modules/$(shell uname -r)/build M=$(PWD) modules

    make -C /lib/modules/$(shell uname -r)/build M=$(PWD) clean


附言我用谷歌搜索了我的问题,发现了一些建议,我应该在编译时添加 KBUILD_EXTRA_SYMBOLS=*module path*/Module.symvers,但它没有帮助。


问题是 open_softirqraise_softirq 函数未导出,因此您无法链接到它们。导出的函数标有 EXPORT_SYMBOLEXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL 宏。


您可以找到大量关于 EXPORT_SYMBOL 宏的信息。例如,here's来自 Robert Love 的解释。

现在,您可能想知道为什么不导出这些函数。好吧,softirqs 是一种低级机制,旨在供其他更高级别的设施使用,因此目的是防止它在非核心内核代码中使用。



$ git grep open_softirq
block/blk-softirq.c:    open_softirq(BLOCK_SOFTIRQ, blk_done_softirq);
include/linux/interrupt.h:extern void open_softirq(int nr, void (*action)(struct softirq_action *));
kernel/rcu/tiny.c:      open_softirq(RCU_SOFTIRQ, rcu_process_callbacks);
kernel/rcu/tree.c:      open_softirq(RCU_SOFTIRQ, rcu_process_callbacks);
kernel/sched/fair.c:    open_softirq(SCHED_SOFTIRQ, run_rebalance_domains);
kernel/softirq.c:void open_softirq(int nr, void (*action)(struct softirq_action *))
kernel/softirq.c:       open_softirq(TASKLET_SOFTIRQ, tasklet_action);
kernel/softirq.c:       open_softirq(HI_SOFTIRQ, tasklet_hi_action);
kernel/time/timer.c:    open_softirq(TIMER_SOFTIRQ, run_timer_softirq);
lib/irq_poll.c: open_softirq(IRQ_POLL_SOFTIRQ, irq_poll_softirq);
net/core/dev.c: open_softirq(NET_TX_SOFTIRQ, net_tx_action);
net/core/dev.c: open_softirq(NET_RX_SOFTIRQ, net_rx_action);

只有 12 岁!


关于c - 编译linux内核模块时未定义的函数,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/39691131/


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