android - 如何使用 Strongloop Loopback REST API 包含和排序数组?

标签 android node.js rest loopbackjs strongloop

我通过添加术语在现有模型中包含一个数组 {"include": ["answers"]} 在名为 User/Questions 的模型中。因此,如果我获得用户/问题模型,我将获得答案列表。但是,现在我想根据创建日期对问题模型中的答案进行排序。为此,我应该如何编辑放置在 REST Strongloop API 过滤器中的术语?


"question": "where is the coffee shop?"
"answers": [
 //answer model included
    "answer": "I am not sure",
    "dateCreated": 4/1/16,
    "answer": "maybe try 5th avenue?",
    "dateCreated": 4/3/16,
    "answer": "oh its by the bakery",
    "dateCreated": 4/2/16,


范围需要包含在当 querying related models 时。因此,对于您的示例,它将类似于:

 {"include": {"relation": "answers", "scope": {"order" : "dateCreated DESC"}}}

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