android - 将数据设置为 NavigationView 菜单项

标签 android android-menu navigation-drawer android-navigationview

如果我将自定义项目添加到我的 NavigationView 菜单中,如下所示:

Menu menu = navigationView.getMenu();

MenuItem item = menu.add("Item 1");

如何为项目(如对象)设置数据,以便在单击/选择它时,可以将该数据传递到它打开的 Activity ?


您无法向菜单项设置/添加数据。通过查看documentation add()方法中,可以看到可以设置:

groupId - int: The group identifier that this item should be part of. This can be used to define groups of items for batch state changes. Normally use NONE if an item should not be in a group.

itemId - int: Unique item ID. Use NONE if you do not need a unique ID.

order - int: The order for the item. Use NONE if you do not care about the order. See getOrder().

title - CharSequence: The text to display for the item.



public boolean onNavigationItemSelected(MenuItem item) {
    // Handle navigation view item clicks here.

    int id = item.getItemId();

    if (id == {

        // handle intents and passing data

    } else if (id == {

        // handle intents and passing data


    DrawerLayout drawer = (DrawerLayout) findViewById(;
    return true;

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