android - 屏幕密度和图像尺寸

标签 android android-drawable android-resources screen-resolution android-resolution

Android 开发者您好,

我想知道如何选择drawable的尺寸;例如,我想在我的应用程序中插入一张图像,该图像应插入到 xxhdpi、xhdpi、hdpi、mdpi 和 ldpi 中,其尺寸(像素)是多少?

我在 GitHub 上分析了许多 Android 应用程序,它们使用随机图像大小(像素)来实现不同的密度。


To create alternative bitmap drawables for different densities, you should follow the 3:4:6:8:12:16 scaling ratio between the six generalized densities. For example, if you have a bitmap drawable that's 48x48 pixels for medium-density screens, all the different sizes should be:

  • 36x36 (0.75x) for low-density
  • 48x48 (1.0x baseline) for medium-density
  • 72x72 (1.5x) for high-density
  • 96x96 (2.0x) for extra-high-density
  • 144x144 (3.0x) for extra-extra-high-density
  • 192x192 (4.0x) for extra-extra-extra-high-density


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