android - Dagger : Why does dagger require a @inject constructor for an object that does't depend on another object

标签 android dagger-2 dagger android-architecture-lifecycle


PostsVM cannot be provided without an @Inject constructor or from an 
@Provides-annotated method.


public class AppModule {
    private final Application mApplication;

    ViewModel provideListViewModel() {
        return new PostsVM();


public class PostsVM extends ViewModel {

    public boolean get(){
        return true;


@Component(modules = AppModule.class)
public interface AppComponent {

    void inject(Global global);

    void inject(MainActivity mainActivity);

    Context getContext();

    Application getApplication();

在 Activity 中:

public         ViewModelProvider.Factory factory;

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

正如您所看到的,为 PostVM 类给出的示例不依赖于任何东西,为什么我需要一个 @inject 构造函数?


tl;dr 为了防止错误并遵循约定。


Injectable constructors are annotated with @Inject and accept zero or more dependencies as arguments. @Inject can apply to at most one constructor per class.


因此,@Inject 标记了 Dagger 的入口点,以指示它如何以及在何处创建类。这是您打算如何使用您的类的明确标志。

  • 如果您有多个构造函数怎么办?
  • 如果您需要额外设置并应使用 @Module 该怎么办?

通过默认使用无参数构造函数(如果可能的话),事情可能会很容易崩溃,并且如果您只是假设 Dagger 完成了它的工作,您可能无法轻松找到源。

__ cannot be provided without an @Inject constructor or from an @Provides-annotated method.


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