Android:将 keystore 移交给不同的开发人员

标签 android keystore

我为客户开发了一个 Android 项目,我使用自己生成的 keystore 对其进行了签名。

现在我想将项目移交给其他开发人员; (如何)他是否可以在没有我的 keystore 的情况下签署应用程序并将其提交到市场?我可以为他生成一个文件吗?它是如何工作的?



Signing Your Applications Android 文档中有详细说明:

Application upgrade – As you release updates to your application, you will want to continue to sign the updates with the same certificate or set of certificates, if you want users to upgrade seamlessly to the new version. When the system is installing an update to an application, it compares the certificate(s) in the new version with those in the existing version. If the certificates match exactly, including both the certificate data and order, then the system allows the update. If you sign the new version without using matching certificates, you will also need to assign a different package name to the application — in this case, the user installs the new version as a completely new application.

这基本上意味着任何开发人员都需要使用您的 keystore 签署更新,否则用户将无法安装新版本。

您可以修改 keystore 的密码,但生成新的 keystore 会给您的用户带来问题。如果生成新的 keystore ,则必须从市场中删除该应用程序并提交新版本。现有用户将无法升级 - 他们需要卸载并安装新版本。

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