java - 简单的 : Element 'id' is already used

标签 java android xml parsing simple-framework

我厌倦了解析一个 XML 文件。这不是我的,所以我无法编辑它。 先看看(我把不需要的部分剪掉了)

01  <feed>
02    <id></id>
03    <author>
04      <name>Master</name>
05      <uri></uri>
06      <y:id></y:id>
07    </author>
08    <title>List of friends posts</title>
09    <updated>2013-08-02T19:14:00Z</updated>
10    <entry>
11      <id></id>
12      <author>
13        <name>MrBigJoker</name>
14        <y:id></y:id>     
15      </author>
16    </entry>
17  </feed>

您可以在第 02、06、11 和 14 行中看到 ID 标记。问题是我收到错误“元素 ID 已被使用”第 14 行。
我将 SimpleXML 与以下三个类一起使用:

@Root (name = "feed")
public class Feed { // All lines

    private String id;

    private Author_feed author;

    private String title;

    private String updated;

    @ElementList(inline = true, type = String.class, entry = "entry")
    private List<Entry> entries;

@Root (name = "author")
public class Author_feed {  // Lines 03-07

    private String name;

    private String uri;

    @Namespace(prefix = "y")
    private String id;

@Root (name = "entry/author")
class Author_entry {  // Lines 12-15

    private String name;

    @Namespace(prefix = "y")
    private String id;

@Root (name = "entry")
public class WhatsNewFeed_entry { // Lines 10-16

    @Element (name = "id")
    private String id_entry;

    private Author_entry author;




你不需要@Root (name = "entry/author")只是 @Root (name = "author")



 @ElementList(inline = true, type = String.class, entry = "entry")
    private List<Entry> entries;


 @ElementList(inline = true, type = WhatsNewFeed_entry.class, entry = "entry")
        private List<WhatsNewFeed_entry > entries;


@ElementList(inline = true, entry = "entry")
            private List<WhatsNewFeed_entry > entries;

因为您已经在 List<WhatsNewFeed_entry > 中指定了集合名称




补充一点,我不太喜欢 @Root因为你强制类有一个特定的节点名称既不强制属性或字段被命名为 XML 预期的标签,我认为在元素中命名它是一种更好的方法,它更清楚,你觉得你是制作一个真正的 XML。然后你设计你的类(class)

我不是很擅长 java,来自 C# 世界,但它是如此相似。


  //First level
            @Root (name = "feed")
            public class Feed { // All lines

                private String id;

                private Author_feed author;

                private String title;

                private String updated;

                @ElementList(inline = true, entry = "entry")
                private List<WhatsNewFeed_entry> entries;

           //Note that there is no root because it was already defined in the first level,
//this way you can use the same class in differents node with different tag names, you 
//could even make an abstract class of author and in one just post the uri class isntead of
// 2 author classes with the same properties
        public class Author_feed {  // Lines 03-07

            private String name;

            private String uri;

            @Namespace(prefix = "y")
            private String id;

        class Author_entry {  // Lines 12-15

            private String name;

            @Namespace(prefix = "y")
            private String id;

        public class WhatsNewFeed_entry { // Lines 10-16

            @Element (name = "id")
            private String id_entry;

            private Author_entry author;


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