swift - 字典的 For 循环不遵循它在 Swift 中的顺序

标签 swift for-loop dictionary



var keys: [String:String] = ["id": "ID", "domain": "Domain", "bundled_domain": "Bundled Domain", "dns": "DNS", "registrar": "Registrar", "registrar_url": "Registrar URL", "sponsoring_registrar": "Sponsoring Registrar", "created": "Created", "updated": "Updated", "expires": "Expires", "whois_server": "Whois Server", "status": "Status"]

for (key, name) in keys{


the result didn't follow order of the dictionary

那么如何让我的 for 循环遵循我的字典顺序呢?谢谢!


来自 Apples Document :

Swift’s Dictionary type does not have a defined ordering. To iterate over the keys or values of a dictionary in a specific order, use the global sorted function on its keys or values property.

关于swift - 字典的 For 循环不遵循它在 Swift 中的顺序,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/31722862/


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