arrays - 迭代数组并将元素添加到 Swift 2.2 中的空字典

标签 arrays swift for-loop dictionary

我有一个颜色数组,但数组中元素的数量可以改变。例如,我可能 1 天有 1 种颜色,但第二天有 3 种颜色。如何遍历数组,然后将元素添加到空字典中?

var colors = [String]()
var colorDict = [String: AnyObject]()

//day1 the array has 2 colors
self.colors = ["red", "blue"]

//day2 the array has 3 colors
self.colors = ["red", "blue", "orange"]

//day3 the array has 1 color
self.colors = ["blue"]

//regardless of which day it is I need to iterate over the array and add whatever is inside to the dictionary
for color in self.colors{
//how would I add elements to self.colorDict?



for color in colors{
    colorDict["someKey"] = color



如果您没有明确数量的 key 。用数组项的索引枚举。

for (index, element) in colors.enumerate() {
     colorDict[String(index)] = element

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